Up to £142k Guaranteed Rental Income available. Plus no site fees & utility bills!
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Roger and Ann

Holiday Home   •   Edgeley Holiday Park

"What we loved about Edgeley was its position surrounded by woods and countryside the site was beautifully kept and being on The Green was perfect as we were not overlooked and had a great outlook. The swimming pool was a huge draw for me. "

“We came to Edgeley to look and were delighted with its situation in such a beautiful part of Surrey surrounded by woods and countryside and beautiful villages.

What we loved about Edgeley was its position surrounded by woods and countryside the site was beautifully kept and being on The Green was perfect as we were not overlooked and had a great outlook. The swimming pool was a huge draw for me,  I love swimming and swim daily.

We are here for each other (the Edgeley community) which is a very comforting feeling, we are all good friends as well as neighbours”.

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