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Why Owning a Holiday Home is Worth it

Are you thinking about buying a holiday home, but want to know if it’s worth it? Do you find yourself trying to weigh up the pros and cons in your head? Well, not to worry. 

Here at Haulfryn, we know buying any sort of home is a big commitment. So, let us remind you of the benefits of owning a holiday home in the hope that it helps you come to a positive decision. 

Read on to find out exactly why owning a holiday home is worth it, along with an inside scoop from travel expert, Abigail King, from Inside The Travel Lab

A home away from home

One of the main advantages of holiday home ownership is exactly that: owning a home. While it sounds obvious, a lot of people overlook the fact that, in buying a holiday home, you are essentially getting another place to live from time to time. Whenever you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you can do so with ease!

As a result, all of the benefits that come with a regular home can be added. You can decorate it how you like, add all of the home comforts, and really get settled. Unlike a hotel room or other sorts of accommodation, a holiday home allows you to add an aspect of your own personality to it, filling it with items that reflect your personal taste and lifestyle — from surfboards to easels!

No pesky plane tickets

Another non-financial benefit to holiday home ownership is the total and utter lack of hassle. When travelling abroad, there are seemingly endless administrative tasks, especially since the pandemic made crossing borders much harder. From conducting and submitting COVID tests 24 hours before, to checking the status of the country you are visiting, not to mention the luggage restrictions and the actual process of travelling itself — it’s been a challenge. 

Staying in the UK in a home away from home, however, is much easier. Simply load up, hop in the car, and unpack without the difficulty of boarding passes, time zones, tickets, and weight limits. Not only can you bring more, but you can worry less. 

You can discover more of the benefits of a UK staycation in our blog post.

Cutting down on holiday costs

Similarly, taking a trip to your very own holiday home is a surefire way to reduce costs. Although there is an upfront cost, as expected, a holiday home helps you save money in the long run. 

Thanks to the excellent facilities at your fingertips, you are much more inclined to stay in and cook instead of eating out every night. Likewise, since a holiday home gives you a permanent base from which to operate when you are away, there is much greater scope for you and your friends or family to have evenings in playing board games and getting to know each other.

The more you use your holiday home, the easier saving becomes, too. As Abi says, it is wise to ‘make a detailed packing or shopping list for kitchen essentials’ before you visit the first time. This way, you’ll have exactly what you need already in the cupboards when you arrive in the future. 

Abi helpfully continues, ‘It’s often the small details like spices, butter or oil that will derail your holiday home cooking plans. Depending on the property, you may also need less glamorous things like bin liners, oven gloves and washing up liquid. But once you have these covered, plus some bottles of bubbly and family games, then the whole trip will go well.’

You see? Life as a holiday home owner is just easier!

No compromise on comfort

While camping is fun, sometimes you just want a holiday where things like eating, showering, and relaxing don’t require a huge effort. One of the beauties of holiday homes is their comfort level.

All of Haulfryn’s holiday homes are kitted out with state-of-the-art, clean, and reliable facilities that allow you and your guests to operate as you would at home. A nice hot shower, a freshly-cooked meal, and a lie down are sometimes all you need after a long day of adventuring — all of which you can do undisturbed and with ease in a holiday home. 

As Abi tells us, ‘You can cook how you want, eat how you want and catch up with laundry (this is vital when you’re travelling with young children)’. 

In fact, Abi makes an excellent point when she says, ‘It works really well to feel as though you have your own space, with no interruptions from housekeeping or slamming doors from neighbouring guests.’ In holiday homes, there are no interruptions. You and your guests can take it at your pace. 

If you choose one of Haulfryn’s holiday homes, there are plenty of facilities for you to enjoy. Take our Finlake park, for example, just a few of the things you can expect to enjoy are:

  • A heated outdoor pool
  • A spa 
  • A fitness centre
  • An adventure park 
  • Activities such as archery, aeroball, zorbing, fencing, and horse riding
  • And much more!
Make memories time and time again

Lastly, holiday homes are ultimately worth it because of the memories you make. It is exciting to see new locations every year; however, nothing beats the familiarity of a home away from home. 

Over the years, your holiday home can become your sanctuary, and a place for collective experiences to be shared — perhaps where your grandchildren learnt to walk or the site of a family holiday that brought everyone together.

Abi reflects on her own fond experiences with holiday homes in West Wales. She writes how she enjoys ‘watching the waves crash through the windows and making the most of the sun spots with views of castles. We’ve played family games in the garden, sizzled sausages on the barbecue and chatted until late beneath the stars.’

Check out more from Abi’s travel blog here.

Haulfryn's Holiday Homes

You can always find out more about buying a holiday home on our website. While you’re here, browse our FAQ page too!

Or, if you have any questions, get in touch with our dedicated team of experts who can point you in the right direction. 

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